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Background Information
This page provides you with access to a number of documents that may be useful as pre-reading to provide an overview of Te Pūkenga and to help you become familiar with some of our journey so far.
We encourage to review these as part of your interview preparation.
In addition to the sections below other readings include:
Tāraia te anamata | Creating our futures
Whakairohia he toki, tāraia te anamata | Learning with purpose, creating our futures is a significant step in our journey bringing together nine industry training organisations and 16 institutes of technology and polytechnics into one national organisation supporting ākonga (learners) learning on campus, on-the-job, or online.
We sought your whakaaro (feedback) on the proposed structure for the following groups:
You can find all information here.
Te Rito | Insights from Ākonga and Kaimahi
At the beginning of Te Pūkenga journey in 2020, we started with the Ākonga at the Centre research project. This involved a small research team that travelled across Aotearoa to gain insights directly from our learners, and those who support them. We asked what were the enablers and barriers to learner success at all stages of the journey? This report provides the first stage of findings from that project. It identifies potential opportunities to enhance success for all learners and Māori learners.
Ākonga at the Centre Research Reports:
Te Rito Outcomes Framework brings together the ‘Ākonga at the Centre’ research conducted above. It provides a clear view of what learners, and those that support them, have identified as critical to learner success, in one easy-to-understand reference for Te Pūkenga network. The framework has been designed to inform action plans and decision-making across the network, with a view to advancing equity, inclusion and successful outcomes for learners.
Te Pae Tawhiti | Te Tiriti Excellence Framework
In accordance with Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Te Pūkenga is focused on ensuring our services work well and respond with excellence to the needs of ākonga Māori and their whānau, and to the aspirations of iwi and Māori communities throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. This objective is driven from our legislative mandate, our Charter, and from the will of our governing Council and Leadership.
Te Pae Tawhiti documents: