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Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)
Kimi kaimahi | Recruitment
What is the process for recruitment into new roles?
The confirmed recruitment and redeployment approach:
What happened to the ring-fenced roles or comparable roles?
We received considerable feedback on the approach we proposed for redeployment using ring-fences applying to comparable roles. Having considered the feedback and the complexity and fairness of the proposed process we have decided to change our approach. As outlined in the decision document, we do not have any ring-fenced roles. We will ensure we provide every opportunity for affected kaimahi to find redeployment by opening all roles to application by all kaimahi, and by giving priority to affected kaimahi with the appropriate skills and experience through the recruitment process. This priority will apply to all roles that we are recruiting for through the transition period – not just for new roles established through these decisions.
When will roles be advertised and how do I know when new roles open?
Advertising for the new roles will begin in the week of 25 Mahuru (September). All new roles will open at that point and will be open for applications from all Te Pūkenga kaimahi (including kaimahi on fixed term contracts). These roles will be open for four weeks.
As redeployment and recruitment processes progress, we will continue to provide updates on the roles that are still available for applications on Te Whare (i.e., those that have not yet been filled and are open for applications). We encourage you to monitor our job portal to make sure you see what roles are open for applications at any point in time.
What does it mean to be given priority in a recruitment process?
If you are affected by the decisions and have been notified that your current role is disestablished, your application for any role across Te Pūkenga will be given priority during the notice period that is set out in your letter. This means that any application you make will be considered ahead of kaimahi with similar suitability for the role who are not affected.
Where will new roles be advertised?
All new roles confirmed in the final structure will be advertised internally in the first instance on our job portal.
For roles that report to Deputy Chief Executives or Ako Delivery Ngā Tumu Whenua-ā-Rohe | Regional Executive Directors, if we cannot find a suitable internal candidate the role may then be advertised externally, on our Te Pūkenga website and through Seek.
Any other vacancies that have been approved for recruitment that are unrelated to this structure change will also be available as redeployment opportunities. These will be advertised by the relevant Division, and the divisional job portals can be found on Te Whare.
What if I am on leave during the recruitment process?
Kaimahi will need to be available for an interview during the scheduled timeline for interviews, even if they are on leave. Most interviews will be undertaken using Microsoft Teams.
How will Te Pūkenga communicate with me through the recruitment process?
Kāhui Tangata | People, Culture and Wellbeing will proactively communicate with all affected kaimahi during the redeployment process. We will also send update emails as we move through the process, and regular updates will be provided via Ngā Taipitopito.
Can I apply for a role?
Yes, all kaimahi can apply for the new roles. We welcome applications from people with skills, knowledge, and experiences that fulfil the role profile/position description. If a position remains unfilled from the first round of redeployment/recruitment, the roles will be readvertised. If needed, we will consider advertising externally too.
What if I am part-time?
Part-time kaimahi who wish to remain part time can still apply for new roles. It is important that we retain the talent and skills of our network. It will be up to the hiring panel to determine if the roles could be done on a part-time basis. Applications from these kaimahi should make it clear they are part-time and wish to remain so. If a part-time kaimahi wishes to become full-time and apply for a role, they are welcome to do so.
What if I am fixed term?
Fixed term kaimahi can apply for new roles along with other kaimahi.
Any fixed term kaimahi who is not appointed to a new permanent position will remain in their current fixed term role, on their current terms and conditions (including end date).
Can I apply for more than one role?
Yes, you are welcome to submit multiple applications.
Why do I need to complete an application form?
We need you to provide us with your CV and other information about you and your skills and experience to determine whether you may be suitable for the position you are applying for.
What help will you give me to apply for new roles?
We have developed a resource called the Recruitment Kete, which will include workshops with Kāhui Tangata | People, Culture and Wellbeing, and resources for kaimahi to support you in submitting an application.
What do I need to prepare before submitting my application?
You will need to prepare a CV and a cover letter.
If you are an affected kaimahi and you need help with your application, the Kāhui Tangata | People, Culture, and Wellbeing person who contacts you once decisions are announced can help you with this. If you need to contact someone for help more generally, please email
What should my cover letter include?
You will be asked to address the areas of experience or specific skills and knowledge required as outlined in the position description. More information about what should go into a CV and cover letter is provided on the Recruitment Kete.
How do I prepare a CV?
For further guidance and assistance with preparing your CV, please review the ‘My Application’ section of the Recruitment Kete.
How will I know if you have received my application?
A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provide in your application to confirm receipt of the application.
How long will it take Te Pūkenga to respond to my application?
We will respond within seven days following the closing date of the advertisement. You will be notified via email should there be a delay in the recruitment process.
What happens after I submit my application?
All applications are collated and reviewed by a hiring panel. When reviewing the applications, the hiring panel will apply the priority given to affected kaimahi seeking redeployment. Once shortlisting is complete, the unsuccessful applicants will be notified via email (or in person for affected kaimahi). The shortlisted candidates will be progressed to the next stage (interviews) and contacted directly.
Ngā uiuinga | Interviews
When will interviews happen?
Interviews will take place from the end of October through to the start of December. There will also be roles that remain vacant after the initial redeployment process prior to Christmas that will be recruited and interviewed for from January 2024.
Where will interviews happen?
All interviews will be online via Microsoft Teams unless otherwise advised.
Who will be on my interview panel?
The interview panel will consist of the hiring manager, a Kāhui Tangata | People, Culture and Wellbeing representative, another subject matter expert or senior manager and an Equity expert for Tier 3 roles or other identified roles.
Can I bring a support person to my interview?
Yes, you are welcome to bring whānau or support with you to your interview. Please let us know before the interview so that we can ensure the Hiring Panel are prepared to welcome your support person.
What will my interview involve?
Depending on the role and level of the position, you may be asked competency, behavioural and/or scenario-based questions. There may also be a requirement to present to the interview panel (for senior roles). When you are contacted about interview details, we will confirm the format of the interview and the themes of the questions you will be asked, so you have time to prepare.
How do I prepare for my interview?
You should give some thought to how you will respond to the themes of the questions of the interview (which you will be advised of beforehand) and consider how you can demonstrate, through examples, your abilities in the ‘Have Be Do’ section of the position description for the role. Please review the ‘My Interview’ section of the Recruitment Kete for further guidance and assistance with preparing for your interview.
What will happen after my interview?
The interview panel will provide a timeline for when you can expect to hear back about your application following the interview. A panel member or a recruitment lead from PCW will contact you directly and advise if you are a preferred candidate (moving to the next step) or if you were unsuccessful.
What checks will Te Pūkenga do after my interview?
If you are a preferred candidate, we will contact your referee/s. If you are applying for a senior leadership position, we will also do a Ministry of Justice check.
What will happen if I receive an offer?
If successful, we will prepare and present an offer for your review via our people management system, Ipukarea. The date on which you will take up your new role will be discussed with you, and you may need to begin some aspects of the role alongside your current role prior to this. For example, if your role may require you to be a hiring manager for the recruitment of your team.
Te kuhunga mai | Onboarding
How will onboarding work?
You will be assigned various onboarding modules via our people management system, Ipukarea. Everything is completed online and should be completed before your first day of work.
Will my terms and conditions change?
That will depend on the role you are offered. If your offer is for redeployment, we will aim to offer no less favourable terms and conditions to your current role. However, if the salary range for the new role is significantly different to your current role, the options will be discussed with you prior to the offer.
If you are offered a position and you are not an affected kaimahi, the specific remuneration range for the new role will apply, and the offer may contain different other terms and conditions than you currently have.
For more information you can refer to our Recruitment Process, Selection Criteria or contact