Recruitment Process
The information below outlines the basic process, and what you can expect in the recruitment of these positions.
In addition to this information you can access:
- The Kete Kimi Kaimahi | Recruitment Kete which provides you with guidance and templates to assist you with the preparation of your application.
- The Background Information page available in this job portal also give you access to some pre-reading materials that may assist you with understanding more about our Te Pūkenga journey.
- The Selection Criteria and Matrix page that clearly outlines the criteria and matrix used by the hiring panel during this process.
Advertising |
- All positions are available from Monday, 25 September 2023.
- Positions are advertised internally. If required, roles may be advertised externally after internal options are exhausted.
- If there are there are internal applicants who are impacted through this change process, whose capabilities and experience are closely aligned to the new roles, then the recruitment process may be internal only.
- Applications will be open for twenty (20) days and will close at 11:59pm Friday, 20 October 2023.
- It is intended that appointments for roles will be staged such that leaders are recruited first, followed by their direct reports.
- Applications will be received online through this job portal.
Application |
- Kaimahi can apply for as many new positions as they want. Applications must include a cover letter and CV. Applying for a role is the best way that affected kaimahi can identify and share their redeployment preferences.
- Applications are received through this portal.
Shortlisting |
- Once applications close, a Hiring Panel will complete a shortlisting process using the selection criteria.
- In shortlisting, any application made by affected kaimahi will be considered ahead of applications from other kaimahi with similar suitability for the role who are not affected.
- Hiring Panels will assess if offers to redeploy affected kaimahi can be made without the need for an interview process. For example, if we advertise a new role and we only receive one application from an affected kaimahi, and it is clear in their application that they are suitably qualified for the role then redeployment can proceed.
- Interviews will typically be held online via Teams. In-person interviews may be possible when all relevant people are able to do so without extended travel and, there is consistency for candidates.
- Whānau or support people are welcome at all interviews.
- Kaimahi who have any support requirements are encouraged to speak to the recruitment team before the interview.
- Every interview will use questions based on the selection criteria and requirements shown in the position description for the role.
Offer and Acceptance |
- Following pre-employment checks you will be contacted and advised of next steps.
- If successful we will prepare and present an offer for your review via this portal.
For more information you can refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or contact